Tara's Blog

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Blogging in CT

Blogs can be a wonderful place to vent, or just to get some thoughts down and out. Overall after reading some blogs from my fellow Connecticutians, especially the comments of a native New Yorker and resident of Connecticut known as The Caffeinated Geek Girl.

After reading reading some of the blogs posted on that site, I found it was easy to relate to some of her stories, especially getting stuck in traffic on 95 that doesn't seem to ever move. It doesn't appear to me that this particular blog is anything but a private (but obviously public) venting ground. With postings ranging from the difficulty of working from home, a concert she attended or the death of someone close.

It does look as though this blogger is trying to do some good. There was mention of bone marrow donors that are linked to her blog. This is an interesting concept for me, I never would have thought to link people to my page so that others can benefit medically. It begins to dispel the idea that blogs are just an area for complaining or for showing off about how great your life is, some people actually use it for more.


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