Tara's Blog

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Blogging with the Best

Oh. My. God. I'm reading someone's diary... Or at least thats the way it feels sometimes when I start reading some blogs. Dr. David Gudelunas, professor of communication and avid blog reader. After listening to his presentation last week about blogging, I came to the realization that perhaps I should start reading some blogs for fun.

Along with some interesting vocabulary, it was also reiterated that some of the best blogs have a unique voice. This raised an interesting question in my mind, just how sassy can I be without affecting my grade? I think we have enough lee-way to be unique and still scholarly but I'm not entirely sure just how many grammatical errors I can get away with.

Sentence fragments aside, Dr. Gudelunas raised an interesting point, why have blogs become so popular now as opposed to five even ten years ago? The prevalence of technology is not a sustaining answer. Everyone wants to be heard don't they? Let's face it though, some of us are just timid enough to not want to rock the boat, but we feel confident enough to do so under a username, an alter-ego through which we control just how much is actually known about us (and even the information that we decide to give may be false).

Another bloggers apparently love to do is talk about themselves and their blogs. Egotism at its best? Perhaps, or perhaps this is just another characteristic of our ever evolving culture. That however is a topic for another day.


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